Emergency Response 

Evacuation Essentials

Riviera West evacuation zone:  KEL E-122

The Sheriff's Office and other authorities will use your ZONE to give you information about evacuation, fire status, etc. 

For more information about Lake County zones, visit zonehaven.com.

Register for LakeCoAlerts to receive important emergency alerts from LCSO and OES via phone call to your landline or cell phone, text and/or SMS messages, email and via social media. Click here to sign up:


Click HERE for the Ready-Set-Go Wildfire Action Plan Checklist and follow the checklist guidelines to prepare for an evacuation.

Click HERE for Lake County Sheriff's Office website

Click HERE for tips and links on how to PACK FOR EVACUATION

Click HERE if you are or are helping a person with a disability. Important information for people with disabilities from the Department of Homeland Security

Note: CalFire is the primary responder for wildfires. Click HERE for the CalFire Incident page.

Be Prepared to Evacuate

If you feel threatened by a nearby fire, evacuate immediately even if there is no official evacuation notice. As we seen in recent years, some communities had no notice at all and the fire swept through in the middle of the night. In many cases, lives were saved simply because people took the initiative to protect themselves.

According to Cal Fire, “leave as soon as evacuation is recommended by fire officials to avoid being caught in fire, smoke or road congestion. Don’t wait to be ordered by authorities to leave. Evacuating the fire area early also helps firefighters keep roads clear of congestion, and lets them move more freely to do their job. In an intense wildfire, they will not have time to knock on every door. If you are advised to leave, don’t hesitate! The terms “Voluntary” and “Mandatory” are used to describe evacuation orders. However, local jurisdictions may use other terminology such as “Precautionary” and “Immediate Threat.” These terms are used to alert you to the significance of the danger. All evacuation instructions provided by officials should be followed immediately for your safety.”

What to do if there is an evacuation order:

Riviera West recommends that you leave as soon as you receive any evacuation notice for our area, for your safety and to facilitate emergency response that can save our homes. Leaving early increases your chance of survival. You will face less traffic and obstructions on the road, and you will have an easier time finding lodging if needed. You can always come back if the situation improves.

As soon as you get the notice, pull your car out of the garage and park it facing the street with doors and windows closed. Pack your go-bag(s) in the car. If you have time, check if neighbors have received the evacuation notice. Move flammable furniture to the center of the room, away from doors and windows. Turn off propane at the tank. Leave your lights on so firefighters can see your house in smoky conditions. Turn off your air conditioning. Shut all doors and windows, leaving them unlocked.


Put your pet carriers in the car and make your way to Soda Bay Road and follow instructions from law enforcement staff in the area. You may be directed to temporary assembly areas to await transfer to a safe location.

Links and resources:

CalFire Emergency Supply Kit advice

Evacuation Plans from the US Department of Homeland Security

Kelseyville Fire Protection District contact information

Lake County Office of Emergency Services